Senin, 25 Maret 2013

summary of essay writing

Essay writing

Essay writing is a result of people’s thought or idea which is written into a paragraph. Therefore, they can write in different kinds of essay. There are four kinds of essay writing: expository, descriptive, narrative, and argumentative. Those of them have a different characteristic, style, and purpose. Moreover, people can select one of them for their essay writing.

When they want to share their experience, they can write in narrative essay. It consists of an introductory, plot, characters, and setting. They tell the story by giving the sequence of event. Besides, they can also write in descriptive essay which describes whole thing that they want, for example their house, sister, and pet. It should be detailed in every part of describing by using their sense. Meanwhile, if they have an idea or thought in kind of explanation, they can write an expository essay. It consists of combination of their idea or thought and some proofs. Then, they collaborate it into some explanations which is known expository essay. Finally, they can select argumentative essay for giving their argument about the certain topic. It seems similar with expository essay which is written by combining the idea and the proof, but in argumentative essay, they must make sure that the proof supports to their argument and idea. The proof should be research, survey, observations, and data. Thus, their argument and idea will be connected to each other.

In short, essay writing can be made in many ways which depends on the purpose and needed. Although there are many ways to write essay writing such as expository, descriptive, narrative, and argumentative, they must draw attention to the characteristic, style, and purpose in essay writing. 

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